Fear of Risk and Business: The Scary World of Creativity
Businesses and their love/hate relationship with creativity
Business seems to have a love/hate relationship with creativity, innovation, and fear of risk. They love the idea, but the whole process of bringing a new idea to market carries an element of risk. Thats the part that doesn’t go over so well. Business seems to be comfortable with processes and expected outcomes, which is at odds with the creative process. I’ve seen companies try and embrace creativity, but only to fail by stifling the process.
If the business knows where the innovation will end, then the whole creative process becomes an implementation project. Implementation is part of the process, however, but the whole creative process involves an element of mess, conflict, emotion, and even a few casualties along the way. When those elements of experimentation are removed from the process, then we aren’t really innovating. If you dont have a few failures along the way, then you’re not stepping outside of your comfort zone. And thats where true innovation lies.
From Idea to Growth
Inaction equates to a fear of risk.
Fear of risk often equates to standing still or adapting at a plodding pace. Opportunities seem to pass by, which is a terrible position to be in as a business. If yourre-competition is innovating, how will you continue to compete in the future? Time does not stand still, and we must constantly look to the future for ways to innovate and remain relevant shortly and beyond. The truth is that the best scientists, the greatest entrepreneurs, designers, politicians, and CEOs are all creative. We, as human beings, like to think that we can be creative. Its time to tap into that creativity and start coming up with true innovation for small businesses, large, and society. Eliminating fear of risk can open up a world of potential for businesses.
Un_Standard has a full range of solutions for businesses of all sizes to improve sales, increase customer satisfaction and get ahead of the competition. If you’d like to find out more, schedule a no-obligation 15-minute chat, click the following link and we’ll gladly show how we can make your business un-standard.About the author
David Garrard
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David Garrard
Agent Provocateur and Chief Creative Officer at Hone Ventures and Un_Standard. We create strategies for businesses of all sizes that improve customer relationships and help businesses grow. In his spare time, he loves experimenting in the kitchen and chasing after his three cats, Hallie Tosis, Lester Een, and Jim G. Vitis.
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